21 November 2005


This is my second attempt at a blog. The first one, created in the spring of 2003, got a single test posting before I abandoned it. I'm too much of a realist to expect this to go any better, but I'll give it a shot at least.

I'll try to stick to english here - it's a tough choice since I enjoy writing nonsensical word-play stuff in swedish, but my utopian dream to write insightful bits about music sort of requires english to reach any sort of audience at all.

But I still need to go against those good intentions in this very first post and mention some swedish word-play stuff; My girlfriend and I have, as do most couples I guess, a lot of internal jokes and weird twists to our communication. One thing we do is speak poor english on purpose. It could perhaps have originated as a parody of stale swedish middle-aged businessmen, but today it's just linguistic doodling - adding swedish conjugations to english words, switching all but a word or two in a sentence to english or just messing with the grammar or spelling. Anyway, to the story - while at the post office (to pick up my new scanner), my girlfriend reminded me that I need to drag her out of bed early tomorrow morning since she has an important phone call to make, and it needs to be done early. The swedish word for drag in this context is "släpa", so when my mental auto-pilot anglified the response to "Yes, tomorrow I will släp you up", it probably didn't sound right to the other people waiting in line.

The title of the blog, "paroxysmal discharge", is taken from a track by Aube on Evocation. The record is made entirely out of processed signals from an electroencephalogram, and since this is a blog for random noise from my brain, I thought it was quiet fitting.
