21 April 2009

I'm a big boy now

So I finally have an artist entry on Discogs thanks to poking Jannis in the kidneys while he's making music. Some short comments on the two tracks from his latest album that had me involved:

Filtertraces – this was a complete track that was pretty nice, but we sat down one day and completely rearranged it, added layers and tweaked pretty much everything. It was me shouting commands and Jannis sweating over the mixing desk and synths. I'm not sure how it happened, but that day was pure magic in the studio, and everything just fell into place flawlessly. I love this track.

Infinite Regression – We wanted a really powerful track for the album, in line with the bigger beasts off of Heliopolis. It ended up a collage of bits and pieces from half-finished, discarded tracks and stuff we made up in the studio. We were really struggling to get it finished and neither of us really got into the same flow we had for Filtertraces. But even though it's not the coherent whole we envisioned and it doesn't flow as well as Filtertraces, I honestly think it's a relly good track now. It would be fun to revisit this and make a live mix to see if we can find that magic flow again.

Some samples:


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